"Revenge of the Abnormal," which presents a unique twist on the concept of revenge in another world. The protagonist, Mimori Touka, is portrayed as a background character in his high school, lacking any significant recognition. However, everything changes when he and his classmates are suddenly summoned to a fantasy land and granted incredible skills.
For Mimori, this seems like the perfect chance to prove himself and gain the recognition he desires. But there's a problem – his newly acquired skills are abysmal, and as a result, he is banished to a dangerous dungeon. Despite this setback, Mimori starts to test his abilities and discovers that he has become surprisingly powerful. This revelation fuels his determination to fight his way back and seek revenge against those who underestimated him.
The light novel promises an intriguing story of personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of revenge in a fantastical setting. The book also hints at an "abnormal twist," indicating that the narrative may take unexpected and exciting turns as Mimori's journey unfolds.
For Mimori, this seems like the perfect chance to prove himself and gain the recognition he desires. But there's a problem – his newly acquired skills are abysmal, and as a result, he is banished to a dangerous dungeon. Despite this setback, Mimori starts to test his abilities and discovers that he has become surprisingly powerful. This revelation fuels his determination to fight his way back and seek revenge against those who underestimated him.
The light novel promises an intriguing story of personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of revenge in a fantastical setting. The book also hints at an "abnormal twist," indicating that the narrative may take unexpected and exciting turns as Mimori's journey unfolds.
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