The question of what holds greater importance, a thriving career or a blissful marriage, is at the heart of "Gently Falls the Bakula." Set in the tranquil town of Hubli, the narrative follows Shrikant, who finds himself drawn to his unassuming yet captivating neighbor Shrimati. Though she consistently outshines him in academics, a deep connection blossoms between the two, leading to their marriage. Shrikant embarks on a corporate journey, rapidly ascending the ladder of success, while Shrimati sets aside her own ambitions to become the devoted support to her husband's career.
As Shrikant attains the zenith of his profession, Shrimati begins to sense a void in her life. A conversation with an old mentor triggers introspection, prompting her to evaluate the trajectory of her existence and recognize its unsettling emptiness. "Gently Falls the Bakula" paints the portrait of a marital relationship that loses its course as individual aspirations and self-centered pursuits exert their toll. Authored by Sudha Murty, this novel, penned nearly three decades ago, continues to resonate for its profound exploration of contemporary values and work ethics, offering a poignant examination of the delicate balance between personal ambition and shared happiness.
As Shrikant attains the zenith of his profession, Shrimati begins to sense a void in her life. A conversation with an old mentor triggers introspection, prompting her to evaluate the trajectory of her existence and recognize its unsettling emptiness. "Gently Falls the Bakula" paints the portrait of a marital relationship that loses its course as individual aspirations and self-centered pursuits exert their toll. Authored by Sudha Murty, this novel, penned nearly three decades ago, continues to resonate for its profound exploration of contemporary values and work ethics, offering a poignant examination of the delicate balance between personal ambition and shared happiness.
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