"Mob Psycho 100" is a manga series created by ONE, the same author behind the popular series "One-Punch Man." The story follows the adventures of Reigen Arataka, a self-proclaimed exorcist who specializes in ridding people of ghosts and evil spirits. However, in reality, Reigen is a fraud who doesn't possess any psychic powers himself. Instead, he relies on his student assistant, Shigeo Kageyama (also known as Mob), who has incredibly powerful psychic abilities.
Despite his lack of genuine psychic powers, Reigen manages to deceive his clients and charge them for his exorcism services. He pays Mob, who is actually responsible for the exorcisms, a meager salary, which is often below minimum wage. Mob is a reserved and kind-hearted boy who has placed mental barriers on his emotions to control his powerful psychic abilities. However, when his emotions reach level 100, his psychic energy becomes uncontrollable and may lead to chaotic situations.
The manga explores the dynamic between Reigen and Mob, with Reigen serving as both a mentor and exploitative figure in Mob's life. While Reigen takes advantage of Mob's abilities for his own benefit, he also provides guidance and support to the young psychic. The story delves into themes of friendship, mentorship, and the complexities of human emotions.
"Mob Psycho 100" received critical acclaim and won the 2017 Shogakukan Prize for Best Shonen Manga. It is known for its unique art style, humor, and compelling character development. The popularity of the manga led to the creation of an anime adaptation and a Netflix live-action series, further expanding the reach of this captivating and humorous supernatural tale.
Despite his lack of genuine psychic powers, Reigen manages to deceive his clients and charge them for his exorcism services. He pays Mob, who is actually responsible for the exorcisms, a meager salary, which is often below minimum wage. Mob is a reserved and kind-hearted boy who has placed mental barriers on his emotions to control his powerful psychic abilities. However, when his emotions reach level 100, his psychic energy becomes uncontrollable and may lead to chaotic situations.
The manga explores the dynamic between Reigen and Mob, with Reigen serving as both a mentor and exploitative figure in Mob's life. While Reigen takes advantage of Mob's abilities for his own benefit, he also provides guidance and support to the young psychic. The story delves into themes of friendship, mentorship, and the complexities of human emotions.
"Mob Psycho 100" received critical acclaim and won the 2017 Shogakukan Prize for Best Shonen Manga. It is known for its unique art style, humor, and compelling character development. The popularity of the manga led to the creation of an anime adaptation and a Netflix live-action series, further expanding the reach of this captivating and humorous supernatural tale.
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