"Why We Get Sick" is a groundbreaking book by Benjamin Bikman, an internationally renowned scientist and pathophysiology professor. The book delves into the evidence linking many major diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease, to a common root cause known as insulin resistance. It sheds light on the alarming rise of insulin resistance worldwide and its impact on various chronic diseases.
Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar levels and numerous health issues. Bikman explains that over half of all adults in the United States are insulin resistant, and the numbers are equally concerning in other countries.
The book emphasizes the importance of recognizing insulin resistance as a significant factor in the development and worsening of various diseases. Instead of treating only the symptoms of these conditions, understanding and addressing insulin resistance can have a profound impact on overall health and disease prevention.
In "Why We Get Sick," Bikman offers an evidence-based plan to reverse and prevent insulin resistance. The book includes practical advice, such as food lists, meal suggestions, easy exercise principles, and more, to help readers take control of their health and combat insulin resistance effectively.
By understanding the link between insulin resistance and various diseases, readers can gain insights into how to improve their health and potentially reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses. "Why We Get Sick" provides valuable information and actionable steps to help readers make positive changes for their well-being.
Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar levels and numerous health issues. Bikman explains that over half of all adults in the United States are insulin resistant, and the numbers are equally concerning in other countries.
The book emphasizes the importance of recognizing insulin resistance as a significant factor in the development and worsening of various diseases. Instead of treating only the symptoms of these conditions, understanding and addressing insulin resistance can have a profound impact on overall health and disease prevention.
In "Why We Get Sick," Bikman offers an evidence-based plan to reverse and prevent insulin resistance. The book includes practical advice, such as food lists, meal suggestions, easy exercise principles, and more, to help readers take control of their health and combat insulin resistance effectively.
By understanding the link between insulin resistance and various diseases, readers can gain insights into how to improve their health and potentially reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses. "Why We Get Sick" provides valuable information and actionable steps to help readers make positive changes for their well-being.
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